Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Energy Challenge: Nuclear Power May Be in Early Stages of a Revival

After three decades without starting a single new plant, the American nuclear power industry is getting ready to build again.

When the industry first said several years ago that it would resume building plants, deep skepticism greeted the claim. Not since 1973 had anybody in the United States ordered a nuclear plant that was actually built, and the obstacles to a new generation of plants seemed daunting.

But now, according to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 21 companies say they will seek permission to build 34 power plants, from New York to Texas. Factories are springing up in Indiana and Louisiana to build reactor parts. Workers are clearing a site in Georgia to put in reactors. Starting in January, millions of electric customers in Florida will be billed several dollars a month to finance four new reactors.

On Thursday, the French company Areva, the world’s largest builder of nuclear reactors, and Northrop Grumman announced an investment of more than $360 million at a shipyard in Newport News, Va., to build components for seven proposed American reactors, and more for export.

The change of fortune has come so fast that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, which had almost forgotten how to accept an application, has gone into a frenzy of hiring, bringing on hundreds of new engineers to handle the crush of applications. Many problems could derail the so-called nuclear revival, and virtually no one believes all 34 proposed plants will be built. It is still unclear how many billions they would cost, whether the expense can be financed in a troubled credit market, and how the cost might compare with other power sources.
But experts who follow the industry expect that at least some of the 34 will be built.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Third Passaic River Symposium are Now Available on the Web

Full presentations (and abstracts) from the Third Passaic River Symposium are now available on the Symposium web site,
The program booklet, which includes all abstracts, is available on the web site as well.

The Symposium was organized by the Passaic River Institute of Montclair State University, held on October 16 2008 on the University campus. It featured the "Lower Passaic River Restoration Project" as well as projects and issues in the upper River and tributary watersheds such as flooding and phosphorus loading. Congressman Bill Pascrell gave opening remarks. The heads of three major agencies spoke (USEPA Region 2, NJDEP, US Corps of Engineers NY District), giving an update on Passaic Basin issues from their agencies' perspectives. The Symposium attracted about 280 participants.

You can read a wrap-up story about the Symposium on from the Montclair State web site,
This page also has links to media coverage of the symposium.