It requires 3 liters of water to produce one 1 liter bottle of water. The 25.5 million water bottles produced in the US each year cause 2.5 million tons of carbon dioxide, and use 17 million barrels of oil.

Consider other options when you intend to purchase bottled water, and tell two friends!
This one has me shaking my head daily. How did such a trend gain popularity in this millennium, with all the current knowledge of and recent emphasis on non-renewable resources? I'm guilty, I admit, of sometimes imbibing from less-than-holy plastic containers, but have found water filters and reusable containers can solve most tap water woes. Can we pause and consider our options before reaching for a convenient, but wasteful plastic bottle (not to mention paper/plastic/styrofoam plates and cups)?... Not to be too preachy, but it's probably one of the simplest things one could do reduce and reuse.
Agreed. I added a photo to this story to lend some perspective. Bottled water is a wasteful trend that needs to stop. Buy a nalgene bottle or get a filter.
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