Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Well-Oiled Machine?

The June issue of Time magazine is out and in it an article featuring the petroleum bonanza in Canada's tar sands.

Time is considered to be a credible magazine and readers may deem it forward-thinking. Unfortunately the author of this article is a little too short-sighted for yours truly.

"The mega-projects across Alberta's oil sands rival some of the humankind's greatest engineering achievements, including the pyramids of Giza and the Great Wall of China," claims Time. "Canada may become the new Saudi Arabia, the last great oil kingdom, right on the U.S. border."

And as for the "chunk of boreal real estate" (did they really print that?!)? The National Resource Defense Council states the following about Canada's boreal forests -- "Like the Amazon, the boreal forest is of critical importance to all living things on earth. It is home to the one of the world's largest remaining stands of spruce, fir and tamarack. The thick layers of moss, soil and peat of the boreal are the world's largest terrestrial storehouse of organic carbon and play an enormous role in regulating the Earth's climate. Boreal wetlands filter millions of gallons of water each day that fill our northern rivers, lakes, and streams. "

A slight disconnect? ......I think so.

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